Friday, August 27, 2010
RevGalBlogPals Friday Five: Dorm Life Edition
Yesterday I returned my middle child for his second year of college. He's an experienced dorm resident, having spent two years at a boarding high school. In the lounge at the end of his floor I found a suite of This End Up furniture that took me back to my years in the Theta house at William and Mary. I remember polishing that furniture with my sorority sisters every spring, just before we headed off for Beach Week at Nags Head.
Mindful that many others are heading off to further schooling or delivering their loved ones to the institutions that provide it, here are five questions about dorm life.
1) What was the hardest thing to leave behind when you went away to school for the first time?
A private bathroom. I lived in an "old school" (pun intended) dorm with a common bathroom and shower in the middle of the hallway. My dorm room was the closest to the bathroom/shower so my roommate and I left our door open almost all of the time so we could talk to everyone as they traveled up and down the hall.
2) We live in the era of helicopter parents. How much fuss did your parents make when you first left home?
I was an incredibly independent child in spite of my mother's attempts to be an helicopter parent before anyone knew that terminology. However, my school was 5 hours away and my sister was 8 so my mother didn't really want to drive 10 hours round trip. So, she didn't. I moved all of my stuff by myself into the room in the middle of the hallway on the top floor of the dorm. While I could've used a little help moving the TV, I was thrilled not to have my mother with me.
3) Share a favorite memory of living with schoolmates, whether in a dorm or other shared housing.
The college roommate with whom I continue to stay in contact have several stories about which we could say "you can't rat me out because you'd be in trouble too." However, one publicly tell-able tale is that just after the completion of I-435 at about 11:30 pm one night, we decided that we should drive the entire loop. So, windows down, jamming to the tunes, we did.
4) What absolute necessity of college life in your day would seem hilariously out-of-date now?
Floppy disks, both 5.25 and 3.5 with dot matrix paper.
5) What innovation of today do you wish had been part of your life in college?
Laptops and online library databases/catalogs.
Bonus question for those whose college days feel like a long time ago: Share a rule or regulation that will seem funny now. Did you really follow it then?
10:00 pm curfew to be in the dorm. Nope. Due to my on-campus student job, I had a dorm key. I regularly used it for both legitimate and illegitimate access after hours.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The Commissioning of Sunday Church School Teachers and Staff and Blessing of the Backpacks and Lunchboxes
The Commissioning of Sunday Church School Teachers and Staff
Blessing of the backpacks and Lunchboxes
Grace Lutheran Church
Springfield, Illinois
Pastor Juli Lejman-Guy
Commissioning of Sunday School Teachers and Staff
In Christian love, you, the parents and families of this congregation, presented your children for Holy Baptism just as you yourself were Baptized. In baptism, sacred promises are made. It is your calling to keep these scared promises:
� To faithfully come AND bring others to the services of God’s house.
� To study AND teach the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed and the Ten Commandments.
� To use the Holy Scriptures AND to share those with those who do not know the stories.
� To take the opportunities to be instructed AND to provide for the instruction in Christian faith.
One of the ways we, as a congregation, help you do this is through our Sunday Church School Program. Sunday Church School is an important part of the life of a Christian, from birth until death, because it is here that you grow in your faith, learn the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and Ten Commandments. You learn the stories of our faith and you join with other Christians as we build up the body of Christ. Today we commission our Sunday School Teachers and Staff.
At this time I would like to invite all of our Christian Education staff members to come forward as your names are read:
Teachers: ____________________________
Staff: ____________________________
Worship Staff: ___________________________
P: Our Lord, who came along among us as a servant, calls us to faith and a life of loving service to our neighbor. You stand among us as one called to render a particular service, a gift from God to inspire us to love and good works.
For as in body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, {5} so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members of another. {6} We have gifts that differ according to the grace given us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; {7} ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; {8} the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness. (Romans 12:4-8 NRSV)
The Minister questions the teachers:
P: Will you assume this ministry in the confidence it comes from God?
R: I will, and I ask God to help me.
P: Will you teach in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Confessions of the Lutheran Church?
R: I will, and I ask God to help me.
P: Will you be diligent in your study of the Holy Scriptures and faithful in your use of the means of grace and prayer?
R: I will, and I ask God to help me.
P: Will you trust in God’s care, seek to grow in love for those you serve, strive for excellence in your skills, and adorn the Gospel of God with a godly life?
R: I will, and I ask God to help me.
P: Almighty God, who has given you the will to so these things, graciously give you the strength and compassion to perform them.
C: Amen
P: I now declare you teachers in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
C: Amen**
The teachers and staff may sit in the front row until during the children’s sermon portion.
P: Will all of our students join us and bring your backpacks and lunchboxes with you.
Invite all students (preschool through post graduate) to come forward.
Who can tell me what a vocation is?
A Vocation is a call to a specific job. For example: some people are called to be doctors, some teachers, and some even pastors. A vocation is the job that you are naturally good at doing. Our moms and dads have their jobs. They are parents, but they also get up in the morning and go someplace to work. Hopefully, the job they are doing is the job God intends for them. Do you know how we know that? If they love what they are doing and they are good at it then chances are they have found their calling. For example: Mrs. Christell is a schoolteacher. She loves children and is excited about finding new ways to teach you here at church about God and her school kids about English. That’s her vocation.
Now, do you know what it means when we say we are called to be something?
Being called means that God has given you special gifts that are different than others in order to do something special. The Bible tells us that we have all been called to serve God.
OK, if our vocation is that thing we are called to do~ what is your vocation right now in your life? To be students. God wants us to be the best students we cam be. And, God wants us to be the best Christians we can be. In Matthew 5:16 we are told to “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” Then other people will learn about God through you.
What are some gifts that you have as students? Eyes to read, ears to hear, teachers, schools, tools, books, computers….Even our backpacks and lunchboxes. PULL OUT TOOLS (paper, pens/pencils, folders, rulers…) and our lunchboxes carry the food we need to stay strong and healthy. We know we need to eat to keep our brains working and our energy level up. Maybe you like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and carrot sticks for lunch. But if we eat healthy, we take care of one of the best gifts Gods has given us-our body.
Now, one more question: What is a blessing? A blessing is a way that we bring God into our daily lives. When we get new songbooks we ask that God will help us to use them to sing praises to God. Today we are going to pray that God will help us use these tools- our backpacks and lunchboxes-to make us be the best students we can be.
So let’s lay all of our bags and boxes on the floor together, I’d like for you to place your hands on someone’s backpack and lunchbox. Let us pray. Dear God. Help us to use the tools you have given us in our job as students. We especially ask that you bless these backpacks and lunchboxes to your service. May they remind us always that you have called us to do our best and to be a light for you no matter where we go. Amen.
Now, we are going to bless you as students. Will the adults in the congregation raise your hands as if you were laying them on the head of our young people. Let us pray. Gracious God, we give you thanks for the opportunities to learn. We ask that you bless these students. Give them wisdom to learn; patience in their studies, courage to face new things and compassion for all those they meet that they may let their light shine each and every day. Amen.
Now, will all of the teachers, Sunday Church School and public, come forward and kneel at the altar. And will the children come up here with me and place your hands on the teacher’s heads. Let us pray. O God of wisdom, in your goodness you provide faithful teachers for your whole Church. By your Holy Spirit give all teachers insight into your Word, holy lives as examples to all, and the courage to know and do the truth; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
And to help you remember you are a child of God to be the best you can be every day no matter where you are I have something for you to take as a reminder. (Stickers/pencils)
**Ending when there is no blessing of the backpacks and lunchboxes
P: I now declare you teachers in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
C: Amen
The teachers may kneel:
P: Let us pray, O God of wisdom, in your goodness you provide faithful teachers for your Church. By your Holy Spirit give all teachers insight into your Word, holy lives as examples to us all, and the courage to know and do the truth; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
C: Amen
The minister blesses the teachers:
P: Almighty God, our heavenly Father, guide, bless, and keep you that you may be faithful in the ministry to which you have been called.
C: Amen
***Commissioning Service is adapted from the Lutheran Book of Worship Occasional Services
"Litany of the Blessing of the Backpacks" and "Backpack Blessing"
Litany of the Blessing of the Backpacks
Left: Crayons,
Right: Pencils,
Left: Scissors,
Right: and glue
Leader: Backpacks, school bags, pencil boxes, too.
Left: Getting up early,
Right: Walking,
Left: So very much to learn.
Right: So many to help:
Left: Teachers, counselors, principals
Right: Bus drivers, secretaries
Left: Cooks, librarians and janitors, too.
Leader: God is with us in our learning and in all that we do.
Left: Riding
Right: or taking the bus
Leader: New teacher, new classmates; new subjects to learn.
Unison Prayer: We thank you, God, for the resources and school supplies
that help our children and students of all ages learn. We thank you for
children and all involved in our children's education. We ask you to
bless workers with children, the children of this extended community, and
persons of all ages who seek to learn and to grow. Amen.
Backpack Blessing
To be used with "Bless-A-Pack, Share-A-Pack,"
L: This Sunday, before the school bells ring, we invite all children who will be returning to school this week to come forward for a blessing. Those of you who have your hearts full of hopes, uncertainties and dreams for this new year, come forward, along with those who have also brought their new supplies and backpacks today.
[Children come forward.]
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Youth: Amen
L: In the book of Romans, St. Paul encourages us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, so that we may discern what is the will of God – what is good, acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2b). When Jesus was twelve, he went with his parents to
Youth: We will and we ask God to help us!
L: Proverbs 3:5 tells us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and not to rely on what we think we know. If we remember the Lord, the Lord will show us the right way. Will you trust God and look for signs of God’s presence as you go through your school day? If so, say, "We will and we ask God to help us."
Youth: We will and we ask God to help us!
L: (Lifting a backpack) For all the good things God has provided for us, let us join in praise and thanksgiving. For pens, pencils, crayons and markers,
Youth and Congregation: Thanks be to God!
L: For notebooks, paper and folders, calculators and student planners,
Youth and Congregation: Thanks be to God!
L: For these special students: in preschool, elementary, junior high or middle school, in senior high school, college or vocational school; for all their different talents and gifts; and for their insights and commitment to learning,
Youth and Congregation: Thanks be to God!
L: (To the students) As you prepare to go back to school this week, you can bring to God your fears, wonderings and uncertainties about what this new year will bring. Will you invite God to walk with you as you encounter each new day? If so, please say, "We will and we ask God to help us."
Youth: We will and we ask God to help us.
L: Will you pray for those who prepare for school without backpacks to fill and those throughout the world who have only a dream of being a student some day? Will you pray for them, share what you have with them, and offer kind and encouraging words? If so, then say, "We will and we ask God to help us."
Youth: We will and we ask God to help us.
Unison: We thank you, God, for the resources and school supplies
that help our children and students of all ages learn. We thank you for
children and all involved in our children's education. We ask you to
bless workers with children, the children of this extended community, and
persons of all ages who seek to learn and to grow.
A Collection of Resources for Blessing of the Backpacks
Blessing of the Backpacks>From the Diocese of Georgia courtesy of the Rev. Silito Romero, St. Philip's, San Jose
O Lord God, you see your children growing up in an unsteady and confusing world: show them that your ways give more life than the ways of the world. Grant that teachers and other school personnel may be a means of grace and learning to these students this year. May this year be full of promise for students and teachers alike: . a promise of new beginnings for some and fresh starts for others. . a promise of friendships with classmates and colleagues that refresh the spirit and honor God. . a promise to grow in knowledge and wisdom all the days of their lives. . a promise of safety for each classroom and mutual respect for each student and teacher. May there be enough challenges in school to call upon their best efforts and enough accomplishments to satisfy and delight them. Now bless these backpacks and briefcases as a symbol of your divine wisdom, care, and abiding presence with each of these your children. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
------------------------------------------------- from Connections, the online newsletter of Centered Life Initiative at Luther Seminary
Ahead of time, publicize that all those who attend school should bring their backpacks to worship that Sunday. At the beginning of the worship service on Rally Day, have all students (young and old!) come to the front, asking those who have remembered their backpacks to place them close to the altar. Then invite everyone else who is involved in education to stand-parents and/or guardians of those attending school, teachers, custodians, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, school crossing guards, school board members or school activity volunteers, school nurses and social workers, and so forth. Wish everyone well as they begin this new school year. Assure them that your congregation is a community that loves and supports them in all that they do. End by asking God's special blessing on them all, using the prayer that follows if you desire:
Lord, God of Wisdom and Learning, of leaders and learners, these backpacks remind us that a new school year is about to begin. We pray your blessing upon their owners and upon all students, young and old, as they begin this new school year. We ask your blessing, also, on all who work with or support them in their education. Let each person who stands before us now feel the love and support of this congregation, and grant this congregation the wisdom and means to meet their needs throughout the coming year. We all are called to be part of your work in the world, Lord, and you have given each one of us gifts and strengths to use in that work. Help each of these students to discover and develop his or her gifts and strengths and know how to use them for your purposes. Remind them, too, that whatever their gifts, they are doing your work when they are kind and caring to others, when they do their best in their studies and other activities, when they respect others and themselves, and when they contribute in even small ways to make things better or more pleasant for others. Bless also, Lord, those who stand here with the students. Whatever their task or role in education, guide them to do it with a conscious effort to in some way make life better or more pleasant for others. Give them pride in what they do, reminding them and us that even the most ordinary task becomes extraordinary when done in your name. We ask this all, Lord, knowing that you love and hear us. Amen.
Pastor Jennifer English, Calvary Lutheran Church, Grand Forks, ND Kids' Time - When does school start? How many of you are excited? Are any of you a little scared? Why do you have to go to school? God gives all of us jobs; things to do that help us to serve God in the world. This is called our vocation. You have a vocation, and one of your vocations right now is to go to school. You can serve God by going to school and learning about God's world, by being with other people, by being loving toward others. And you learn things you need to know for whatever vocation you might have later in life. And you learn things you need to know for whatever vocation you might have later in life. And you're not just learners. You are teachers; kids have lots of stuff to teach grown-ups about God. You can teach us about faith and love. We need you in school, and we need you here with us at church. So now we want to say a special prayer for you, asking God's blessings as you get ready to start your vocation of being in school. Listen to this story from Matthew's book in the Bible, "Then little children were being brought to him in order that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples spoke sternly to those who brought them; but Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs." God, bless this bag and the child who will use it. Let him/her not be scared, be with him/her as he/she learns and grows this year. Show him/her how to serve you and help him/her to teach us all about your love. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Have all school workers stand: Read Romans 12:4-8. The school system that teaches children and helps them to live out their vocation requires a body of people with different gifts. We bless you now as you begin your vocation of helping children. Let us pray, "Lord God, we ask your blessings on these women and men who serve you in so many different ways. We pray that you would give them patience, wisdom, and a sense of humor. Use them to show children your love and to guide children as they grow in the body of Christ. In Jesus' name. Amen."
Have everyone stand: We all are called to support, encourage, and pray for the children who are members of the fellowship we all share with Christ Jesus. We are all called to be teachers and learners with children; we are to teach them about God's love, and also to learn from what children have to teach us. We bless you now as your support these children. Let us pray. "Lord God, bless all the people you have gathered here today. Especially bless them as they support, protect, and encourage the children among us. May they, with the children, be both teachers and learners. In Christ's name we pray. Amen."
In this world of instant messaging, may our children
and young people find your word to be a blessing
in every moment of their lives.
In this world of chatrooms, may our young people
and children see you in every one they meet on
FaceBook, MySpace, and YouTube.
In this world in which cultures meet every day in
neighborhoods, at Starbucks, in classrooms,
may our children and young people open their
eyes, their ears, their hearts to those differences
which can enrich their lives.
In this world which calls you by many names, may
our young people and children discover ways
to talk about you which affirms and values the
faith of every person around them.
In this world bombarded with videos, iTunes,
and cranked up audio systems in cars, may
our children and young people find that silence
each day where they might hear your still, small
voice of hope, joy, and grace.
In this world - in their world, O God, may our
young people and children always find you!
Thom M. Shuman
Friday, August 20, 2010
RevGalBlogPals Friday Five: De/Re/CLutter?

1. What things do you like to hang on to?
Books, things that remind me of other people, and, generally, a lot of other nearly useless things
2. What is hard to let go of?
It's not the letting go that is hard for me. It's setting aside the time to actually do it. So, it usually happens when we move. One of the valuable questions for me is: "Do I really want to move this again?" So, other than a few sentimental items, the only things that are actually hard for me to release are books. But reselling them at a local used bookstore has helped ease that pain considerably!
3. What is easy to give away?
Clothes, as in, the girls clothes as they have grown. We don't currently have anyone to whom to pass them "down" so we put them in a collection bin ... because it is easy.
4. Is there any kind of stumbling block connected with cleaning out?
Time and energy are the two things most likely to stop the cleaning out. There is a certain threshold for my desk as home that when reached must be addressed. But cleaning the garage or attic will probably wait until we move again.
5. What do you like to collect, hoard, or admire?
I suppose the Peanuts especially Snoopy and Charlie Brown (and books ... did I mention books yet?).
Bonus: Tell us about recycling or whatever you can think of that goes along with this muttering about cluttering.
When we moved into this parsonage, there were items in the garage that were either abandoned by previous clergy or "leftover" parsonage furniture including two four-drawer filing cabinets. Late last night, long after the sun had gone down, I used the available child labor to move one of those cabinets to my church office because the "threshold of clutter doom" has been long crossed by the paperwork on my desk at the office. However, not having a filing cabinet has served me well in not addressing that paper disaster. But I can't stand it anymore. So, the needed storage space for those piles of paperwork is now in the appropriate place to be used instead of being an under performing waste of space in the garage. ::sigh:: Sometime soon, I'll begin moving paper from desk to drawer in the filing cabinet or to recycle bin and the desk can begin to function as a desk again.
Friday, August 13, 2010
RevGalBlogPals Friday Five: Dog Days of Summer

Dog Days of Summer Friday Five
Here in the snow belt state of Wisconsin we long for the first signs of spring--perhaps a crocus poking up through the snow, or a pussy willow bud popping out even beneath ice. The first appearance of robins, that most cheery little hopper of birds, causes widespread rejoicing. Spring is followed by summer, a time for home-grown tomatoes, watermelon, corn on the cob, all sorts of "fests," back yard "fry outs" (what they call a barbecue here, for some reason) and trips near and far.
I love summer, and wait anxiously for it every year. So how is it that we have arrived at the hot and humid "Dog Days" of August, and I have not done nearly enough of what I planned to do? I want to pack in as much as I can before snow flies once again.
How about you? And what is happening for those of you who are in a different hemisphere than I, and it may be cold?
1. What is the weather like where you live?
HOT! We're on a streak of 100+ temperature days.
2. Share one thing you love about this time of year.
Air conditioning and a little slower pace for church stuff.
3. Share one thing you do NOT love about this time of year.
Everyone else being on vacation and not coming to church.
4. How will you spend the remaining days leading up to Autumn?
The "back-to-school" practices for band are in full swing for both kids and registration for school is completed. So, we're squeezing in as much fun as we can as we prepare for the beginning of school.
5. Share a good summer memory.
I spent as much time as possible in the summer at my grandparent's farm. Grandpa always went to the State Fair and I loved going with him. My first ever Big Mac was consumed at the McD's across the street from the State Fair and no one thought I could eat the whole thing because I was a scrawny little kid. It turned into a family story. They talked about me eating that Big Mac forever
Bonus: What food says SUMMER to you?
Watermelon ........ mmmmmm
Thursday, August 05, 2010
RevGalBlogPals Friday Five on Thursday
Friday Five: Love the One You're With

This Friday Five will post while I'm at the beach which for me is more than a vacation destination, it is a trip home. I have found it quite easy to wax nostalgic about the places I used to live (well, except for one) and have begun to wonder what it is I like about the place I'm living now? For instance I sure do love the beach, but this picture was taken about 30 minutes away from my house - not too shabby!
And so I ask you to please name five things you like about where you are living now... and as your bonus - 1 thing you don't like.
You may have noticed I'm late playing. When I saw this come up, I thought "oh I'll play that in a little bit." Yeah, well, I guess it's now been a "little bit."
But I also am playing because I want someone to come visit my site. When I changed the template, I forgot to add the sitemeter. ::sigh:: I don't look at those stats often but I do look at them. I particularly liked being able to see from where and to where folks came and went. I'm not sure if the code is working and the only way I can check that is with visits. I have found the easiest way to increase visits is to actually post something.
I have to say that I have now lived here longer than I have lived any where since graduating from high school. Good thing I love it here!
1. In the middle of the city where almost anything is available. Having lived in towns with only a glorified convenience store or only one grocery store, I deeply appreciate having multiple options.
2. Food diversity! While I don't always take advantage of the varieties of cuisine available, I appreciate the fact that I can.
3. When something needs to be repaired, either by church folks or professionals, the response time is fairly quick. In other parsonages, in other locations, not so much.
4. Appreciation for fine arts in our schools. We are in a district that has a fabulous reputation for fine arts and both of my kids have benefited from the depth and richness of it.
5. This is the largest house in which I have ever lived. It has its quirks but it has a great "feel."
One thing I don't like: it is really hard to see the stars.