Friday, July 09, 2010

Friday Five: Forgetful Jones Edition

Friday Five: Forgetful Jones Edition as posted by Songbird on RevGalBlogPals

No, it wasn't my turn to do the Friday Five, but it was my job to confirm the new person whose job it is, so herewith, the Forgetful Jones Friday Five, complete with Sesame Street video for those who like such things.

a) What's the last thing you forgot?

I can't remember. Really, yesterday, I had Skittles to give to some great high schoolers and forgot to get them out of the box sitting right there. But today they will get frozen popsicles and, if I remember, Skittles, too.

e) How do you keep track of appointments?

Outlook on my smartphone and computer. Before electronics, Daytimer. Everything on one calendar, every "kid" event, every "church" event, every "me" event, everything!

i) Do you keep a running grocery list?

Yes, most of the time. However, it is usually on the counter while I am at the store because I forgot to bring the list. If I'm lucky, there's a kid at home that can look at the list.

o) When forced to improvise by circumstances, do you enjoy it or panic?

I am pretty good at improv and assessing the resources available to address the need of the moment, depending on the situation, so I don't panic often.

u) What's a memory you hope you will never forget?

*A* memory!?!?! I'll make this a bonus answer! Here are some highlights: presiding over communion in international waters, in a Choctaw church, at church camp with 3rd & 4th graders, during Mission Trips with jr high & high schoolers; watching my children live their faith in ordinary and extraordinary ways; connecting with others God put in my path in ways that brought joy and wholeness (that includes a particular geocache in Mexico)


Kitty B said...

If you have a smartphone (particularly an iphone), you can get a shopping app, then you will never leave the shopping list at home again. It's MARVELOUS !

river song said...

oh, I especially love your last one... wish I'd been there with you at some of them--thanks!

RevDrKate said...

Seems I rememer something about that Mexico cache....pretty great memories!

Muthah+ said...

Good to see your play, Vicar. Give me a call sometime

Unknown said...

I adore your memories! So happy you played this one.

kathrynzj said...

Yay for communion over international waters AND geocaching in Mexico!


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